$168,836 awarded to homeless shelters and service providers across Idaho
Home Partnership Foundation responds in time of need
BOISE, ID – January 24, 2011 – (RealEstateRama) — The Home Partnership Foundation, brought to you by Idaho Housing and Finance Association (IHFA), has awarded 24 critical needs grants in the amount of $168,836 to homeless shelters and service providers across Idaho. These funds are intended to support the greatest needs statewide, including shelter operations and capital improvements, funding to help prevent homelessness, and efforts to encourage asset building to enhance client’s self-sufficiency. The Foundation is the state’s only 501(c)(3) housing foundation dedicated to helping those in need.
“With the help of our generous donors, we were able to more than double the amount of grant funding we awarded to meet the critical needs of homeless shelters and support services this year,” said Deanna Ward, Home Partnership Foundation Development Director. “As the need for emergency shelters and homelessness prevention funds increase across Idaho, we will continue to identify resources that will help more Idaho families have access to safe and stable housing.”
The Foundation invested in several programs that benefit clients across the state. The Accessibility Improvements Program received $20,000 to help four or more wait-list clients with disabilities make their homes easier to live in, and the Asset Building Program received $40,000 to provide matched savings funds to help clients enrolled in the Family Self-Sufficiency Program achieve homeownership.
Here are other organizations benefiting from critical needs homelessness prevention and emergency shelter funding:
North Idaho
St. Vincent de Paul North Idaho, Coeur d’Alene: $5,000 to support operating costs and provide for warming centers in Coeur d’Alene and Post Falls. It’s estimated the funds will help approximately 1,500 homeless people escape the cold this winter.
Sojourner’s Alliance, Moscow: $5,000 to support employment readiness supervision and training for 12-15 clients to develop job skills and increase non-grant revenue for the organization.
New Bridges Community Church, Lewiston: $5,000 to fund capital/building expenses to complete “Freedom Place,” transitional housing which will support 5-8 homeless males annually.
YWCA, Lewiston: $2,000 to fund operational support for the 9-week “Summer Fun Reading Program” for shelter children which enables parents to pursue work.
Treasure Valley
Charitable Assistance to Community’s Homeless (C.A.T.C.H./City of Boise), Boise: $5,000 to prevent homelessness by sponsoring rent for two homeless families with children for six months.
Interfaith Sanctuary, Boise: $5,000 to fund capital improvements for a restroom and shower upgrade project in the emergency shelter.
Salvation Army, Boise: $2,500 to fund operating support for case management to help shelter clients overcome homelessness.
Women’s and Children’s Alliance, Boise: $5,000 to support operating expenses to fund the Crisis Center emergency and transitional shelters for hundreds of women and children.
Salvation Army Community Family Shelter, Boise: $5,000 to provide approximately 110 hotel night vouchers and case management when the shelter is full.
Nampa Family Shelter Coalition, Nampa: $2,399 to fund capital improvements for the water temperature control system to eliminate the risk of scalding users in the kitchen and shower areas.
Valley Crisis Center, Nampa: $5,000 to support operating costs to fund 11 additional hours per week for child care staffing, providing a safe environment for up to 20 shelter and counseling client families.
Advocates Against Family Violence (Hope’s Door), Caldwell: $5,000 to support homelessness prevention rent and utility assistance for 25 victim families.
C.A.T.C.H. of Canyon County, Caldwell: $5,000 to fund operating support for an administrative assistant to increase efficiency in providing services in Canyon County.
Western Idaho Community Action Partnership, Payette: $2,500 to provide homelessness prevention support to fund personal hygiene items, warm clothing, and life skills classes to build self-sufficiency.
South Central Idaho
The Advocates, Hailey: $2,500 to support expenses for victims of domestic violence to move into transitional housing.
Southeastern Idaho
Aid For Friends, Pocatello: $20,497 to continue financial assistance for 23 households currently enrolled in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)-authorized Homelessness Prevention and Rapid re-housing Program (HPRP).
Family Services Alliances of SE Idaho, Pocatello: $5,000 to support foreign language interpretation for 15 shelter clients/families and mental health counseling services for survivors of domestic violence.
South Eastern Idaho Community Action Agency, Pocatello: $4,000 to provide asset-building match funding for two individuals enrolled in SEICAA’s Individual Development Account (IDA) program.
Emergency Housing Exchange, Idaho Falls: $5,000 to fund project support to pay motel bills for approximately 60 families who don’t fit the profile for existing shelters.
Family Care Center (Ruth House), Idaho Falls: $5,000 to fund operating support to provide staffing supervision for the women’s shelter.
Oneida Crisis Center, Malad City: $5,000 to provide operating support for programs and services to help prevent homelessness for victims of violence.
Lemhi County Crisis Intervention (Mahoney House), Salmon: $2,500 to fund capital improvements to provide a safer kitchen for clients and their children in the emergency shelter.
This past year alone, the Foundation granted more than $875,000 to prevent homelessness, support emergency shelter and transitional housing operations, and provide financial counseling and budgeting skills to help build client self-sufficiency. Learn more about the Foundation or make a charitable tax-deductible donation online, by visiting www.homepartnershipfoundation.org; or send a check to the Home Partnership Foundation, P.O. Box 7899, Boise, ID 83707-1899; or via telephone at (208) 424-7010. Donations made through the online system can be as small as $5, an amount which will provide a night’s refuge in this cold season.
The mission of the Home Partnership Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, is to strengthen communities across Idaho by encouraging direct community investments that support shelters and shelter services for Idaho’s homeless and most disadvantaged; prevent eviction actions to stabilize households, encourage asset building and education to achieve economic independence; build equity sharing funds to make workforce housing attainable; and facilitate tax-advantaged land donations for affordable housing purposes. Click here to become a fan of the Foundation on Facebook.
Lisa Davis lisad (at) ihfa (dot) org
IHFA Public & Media Relations Officer
Deanna Ward deannaw (at) ihfa (dot) org
Home Partnership Foundation Development Director